Oct 27, 2012

Happy Dance

Oh happy day, it's Saturday!!  Let's all break into a little dance!!  I'm extremely excited because not only did I add to my team but I received the BEST email from a new customer this week!  As I've said before, I do no run my business for the income (though it has been a nice bonus) but to help others, to motivate people, and to see those around me succeed!!  I have been blessed to see some phenomenal results the last few weeks and it seems that each day I am swarmed with positive feedback from my customers, friends, and family about how Team Beachbody has helped them!  The other morning I hopped onto Facebook and found a wonderful email from a new client.  Earlier that week I had her and a friend over to my house for a Shake and Share.  We laughed, watched the kids play together, and just had a fun time trying out different Shakeology recipes in my kitchen. A few days later she received her first bag of Chocolate Shakeology and so began her venture into Shakeland :-)  Now this client has already come SO FAR on her own loosing over 60lbs on her own, but hit that dreaded plateau all fitness freaks dread!  So, as I was saying, I hopped on Facebook and this is what I was greeted with that morning:

~~A Happy Customer~~

Now that, that right there is why I have this business!!  I am so blessed to hear these kind of remarks almost on a daily basis!  I started my business to motivate others, to help other people find the drive within themselves to live healthier lives, and for them to believe in themselves!  I love my job and I am so thankful for this business I am creating each and every day!  Then to make the week even better I am so excited to announce I have added a phenomenal woman to my team.............Megs is just starting her adventure of a healthy lifestyle but she will rock it I'm more than 100% sure of this!  She is so motivated and loves to help people, so I can't wait to see what Team Beachbody does for her and her family!  Because of all of these wonderful turn of events I am declaring it chocolate milkshake day (yes if you follow me on Facebook or Twitter I declared it yesterday too lol)!!  So g grab your bag of Shakeology and make yourself a yummy, healthy chocolate milkshake!!

I hope y'all have a spectacular Saturday!

Oct 16, 2012

You Think You Know......But You Don't

Unlearneveryday everyone struggles with something.  sometimes it's the same thing day in and day out.  i'm one of those people.  i was diagnosed many moons ago with an eating disorder; binge eating.  who knows how or when this happened but it is part of me and i must embrace it, or it could very easily destroy me.  for as long as i can remember, i have always had negative thoughts and feelings when it came to food.  i remember feeling like i had to hide how much i ate from my mother as a kid/teen, and even from my husband as a newlywed.  i always thought that this compulsion was some what under control and was a "normal" relationship with food.  it wasn't until i went through our first deployment (hubby is Navy) did it become apparent to me that there was something wrong.  i could eat normal for months at a time, and never give a second thought to binge eating.  then something would set me off and it would begin!  my binges would last for days/weeks on end.  i would start hiding food and eating in secret.  my normal tendencies were/are to hide chips and chocolates around the house (often in my closet) so i can eat after everyone is asleep; i was married for close to 5 years before hubby even knew i did this!  i guess i am good at hiding things lol  i remember when he was night check (1900-0700) i would go on a binge at least once a week.  he came home around 11pm for dinner.  i would serve his dinner, watch him eat and then clean up while he was home.  once he was back to work i would then sit and eat as much as i possibly could (bowls of ice cream, chips, 3 or 4 sandwiches) and then clean up so he would never know.  i was ashamed of this.  i have never openly admitted to any of my friends i have this issue.  some of my (in real life) friends know because i have become more comfortable with this issue.  it's part of who makes me who i am.  this is another reason i am so passionate about health and fitness!  i am much more aware of my patterns now and i try not to let myself get into them.   primarily it is because i don't want my kids growing up with a mother like that.  i want my daughter to grow up with something i never had; a positive role model, and learning the right way to have a relationship with food.  i now know what my triggers are and when i notice them i take control of the situation, rather than letting it control me.  one of my triggers with binge eating is my actual weight.  see when i'm over weight i get upset with myself for following in my mother's footsteps and then the cycle begins.  i noticed towards the end of my pregnancy i was hiding chocolate around the house again and then bags of chips.  i rationalized it "it's just pregnancy cravings" but i knew better.  then the behavior continued after BabyL was born but i rationalized; i need the extra calories since i'm breastfeeding and then i got caught!  we were grocery shopping and i went to grab a bag of chips and chocolates to throw into the buggy.  C looked confused and asked why they could never find those chips and stuff *BUSTED*  i put the temptations back and started to regain control of my eating habits that very day!  that was over a year ago and i'm glad to report i have not had any slip ups since then.  though some days are struggles. 

so you may be asking, how i am able to control/curb this issue?  well that's where food journaling comes in.  i almost always am logging my food.  i've used many different programs and websites through the years.  right now i am using MyFitnessPal and i think it's great (for the most part).  i'm not trying loose weight just keeping accountable for what i'm eating, even if i get up in the middle of the night i still log it.  the physical act of writing/typing it out and seeing the totals at the end of the day has really helped keep from binging.  i will admit, i do become a bit obsessed the first few weeks but it does get my mind of binging :-)  i don't journal to loose weight.  i journal to keep control.  

i suggest MyFitnessPal but with a word of caution;  i recommend you do some research on how you want to eat, and figure out your calories for yourself.  i was living a primal lifestyle for a while before i got pregnant with BabyL and LOVED it.  so, i'm eating like a cavewoman (for the most part) again and loving every second of it!  so is the fambam!!  what does eating like a caveman mean.......the short version.........everything is as close to nature as i can get it, lots of good fats and no grains.  it also means living with a different food pyramid too.  look at that baby!  how can you NOT be happy with all those fruits and veggies?!?!  i mean i get to eat things like steak, butter, avocado, spinach, salads, onions, apples almonds, greek yogurt (i don't get rid of dairy like some primal purists do), and oh so much more!  we all feel so wonderful living like this; so much more energy and happiness. the hardest part is cutting grains out (bread, noodles, rice, beans) but i feel so much better doing it.  BabyL is on a bread kick and i'm ok with that, I just stay away from it lol  there is less bloat in all of us and we all have so much more energy eating like this.  i'm keeping my carbs around 100-120gms since i'm nursing and i did see a difference in my production when they've dipped below 100gm.  i only push for 80% of my diet to be primal because i know that's what my body needs.  understand that the PrimalBlueprint is a lifestyle; just like any nutrition plan should be.  it encompasses every aspect of your life not just what you put in your mouth.  if you have any questions about this please feel free to ask.  

hope y'all have a TERRIFIC TUESDAY!!

Oct 15, 2012

Menu Monday

well ladies and gentlemen it's another week which can only mean it's time for another fun filled edition of MENU MONDAY!!!  we've done pretty good sticking to the menu so not only am i saving money (always a plus) but we are all enjoying the family time picking the menu out, prepping the meals and eating them together.  in fact, the big kids made breakfast all on their own........protein powder pancakes!!

Sun: french toast; meat roll ups & fruit; southwestern slopy joe's with broccoli
Mon:  egg cups & fruit; beanie weenies; medateranian beef stew
Tue:  oatmeal; egg salad; southwestern pork chops & salad
Wed:  greek yogurt parfaits; hard boiled eggs & fruit; beef & portobello ragout
Thur:  eggs & apples; leftovers; steak & sweet potato
Fri:  gluten free muffins & fruit; tuna salad; hamburger salad
Sat:  eggs & bacon; leftovers; fish tacos w/broccoli slaw

so what's on YOUR menu??  this week i'm linked up with This Flourishing Life and KdBuggie so if you stumbled on me by them please let me know.  if you see anything here that you'd like the recipe for please don't hesitate to ask!

hope y'all had a marvelous monday *waves*

Oct 12, 2012

Fun Friday Wrap Up

woo hoo it's another Fun Friday here; i just wish that someone would have told the weather that we had plans to go to the park today, because with the nasty grey rain going on here that is NOT happening!  *shrugs* such is life right?  i think we will dance our way into the weekend with some ZumbaRush and finally watch the Hunger Games tonight <3

we have had a busy, and exciting week here in the FitFamily home.  the big kids have been enjoying Aikido, bike rides, learning some new cooking skills, and challenging each other to dance offs due to the weather being all wonky here.  i have been having a blast setting up people to be part of the Challenge Groups that are starting next month, helping people pre-order Les Mills Combat, and starting people with the 3 Day Cleanse!  i also took my measurements for the first time since before starting P90X and in 6 weeks i've gone down 1.7% body fat *happy dance*  the program is really starting to kick into high gear, so i can't wait to see where i will be at the end of it!  we can't forget about BabyL; he's hit a huge milestone this week too!  he's not only running now but climbing on everything, saying a few new words AND he used the potty yesterday!!  not bad for a 14month old lol  i have also been participating in Fat Mum Slim's photo a day challenge this month so i am going to share some of my favorite shots from the last week :-)

Up Close

this week has been of fun, adventure, exploration, temper-tantrums and so much more.  i am sure, despite the weather, we will have a fun weekend too.  this week i linked up with Chubby Cheeks and Posh on a Budget again.  if you would, go check out these blogs because there are some great reads over there.  if you found me via either blog hop WELCOME and please let me know you stopped by :-)  it's been an AWESOME week here in the FitFamily home; how about yours?

here's your Fun Friday song y'all!  have a FANTASTIC FRIDAY *waves*

Oct 11, 2012

Excitement is in the Air!!

do you feel that?!?!  can you feel the electricity in the air today?  oh i can!!  see today is the DAY people!!  today is the day Asylum 2 comes out!  i am super excited about this for so many reasons but the biggest being this has launched the day for 2 new Challenge Groups i'm hosting!  they are filing up FAST too!

what is a Challenge Group?  well, simply put is a great support group!  it's a group of 5-10 people all starting a fitness program and lifestyle change all at the same time.  i help motivate y'all and we talk about our daily challenges; wether they be eating right, drink enough water, finding time to workout, issues with a certain workout, or whatever.  we all go through the program day by day with one another.  everyone is working towards a common goal; becoming a fitter person and a healthier person!  there is no success without support :-)
i am running 2 Challenge Groups that start in November.  the first one is a 120 Day program i've named "The Road to the Asylum!"  we will start by loosing our minds with 60 days of Insanity.  this is a great program that helps you on your road to becoming an athlete! if you are just starting to workout this program is for you!  just as we think we are sane we realize it was all a joke and batty, so we must bust out of the Asylum for 30 days!  Asylum is a hard core workout and a great way to just see the fat peel off of you.  after Asylum you will be a new person but soon realize that you still have one more wing in the Asylum to get through with Asylum2!  Asylum2 is a hardcore workout and a great advanced program that comes out TODAY!!  ShaunT is a hardcore motivator and a wonderful person to invite into your home to help you train.  for a special treat, Apolo Ohno is in Asylum2!

my second Challenge Group has been dubbed "Busting out of the Asylum" and is a 60 day program consisting of Asylum and Asylum2.  this group is for those who are in a little better shape (maybe you've already done Insanity, P90X or have been working out for a while) or those who just like to jump in for a challenge from day one!

either way each of these Challenge Groups are going to be a BLAST but they are filing up FAST!  do one of these groups call out to you?  let me know via Twitter, Facebook or here and i would be glad to give you more information.  but don't wait to long because i have less than 5 slots between them both!!

have a thrilling thursday y'all *waves*

Oct 9, 2012

Why I Decided to Become a Beachbody Coach

i  realize many of you don't really know me in real life, so you haven't seen my struggle with weight, and figuring out a healthy lifestyle through the years.  so i decided to do a quick video to tell all y'all just WHY i decided to become a Team Beachbody Coach.  it's not about the money.......it's about helping people.  helping YOU figure out what it takes to be fit, healthy and happier in your daily life.

enjoy and i hope y'all are having a terrific tuesday!

Tasty Tuesday

Mexican style stuffed bell peppers in the slow cooker.
this is no.2 pencil's picture, because, well i was so drawn in by ours
that i forgot to snap a picture & i didn't think y'all
would want to see my plate w/just a few bites 
this week i am being lazy...........i am repeating last week's menu *gasp* for the simple reason it ROCKED!! one of our favorite things we had last week was a super simple yet delicious meal from no. 2 pencil via Pinterest (if you have not checked out this site go do it as soon as you're done reading this!).  of course i tweaked the recipe, because, well, i rarely ever follow one lol  i swapped quinoa for the rice and i used ground turkey because i had it on hand.  i changed a few other things to from the original recipe.  i did realize a downfall from using the crock pot though........if you are smelling yummy food, that just gets better every hour, cooking all day long; by the time dinner rolls around you tend to get so excited you forget to snap a picture for your blog!  we had leftover for lunch last week and even BabyL loved these *score one for healthy kids* this is without a doubt a keeper in our house.  the kids and i already figured out ways to do other stuffed bell peppers in the crock pot too.  i am starting to fall in love with my crockpot after last week :)

here's how i made it:
5 bell peppers
1-1.5lbs of ground turkey
3 scallions
5 garlic cloves crushed
3/4c fresh salsa
1c of shredded sharp cheese
1/2c of cooked (leftover) quinioa

i used my handy dandy kitchen aid stand mixer and whirled together all the ingredients (except for the bell peppers) until a nice meatloafy texture formed.  while those yummy things were blending together; i cut the tops off the bell peppers, and used a spoon to get the seeds out of them.  after the mixture was all nice and squishy (like a meatloaf) i spooned the meat mixture into the bell peppers, added some extra cheese on top, and placed them into the crock pot.  i put about 1/2c of water in the crock pot and i sliced some yellow onion and garlic and put in there as well for some added flavor.  after everything was done cooking i put the garlic and onions into a container and used them as added fill-ins for eggs :)  i cooked the bell peppers for about 6 hours on low.  throw in some fresh greens and dinner is done!  another cheap and easy meal brought to you by FitMommaD (after some awesome inspiration by no.2 pencil!)!!!

have a tasty tuseday y'all *waves*

Oct 6, 2012

3 Day Cleanse Challenge

i am super excited to announce that i can now offer y’all a wonderful way to not only try Shakeology, but clean out your body as well.  how?  by offering you a 3 Day Shakeology Cleanse Pack.  i know there are a lot of detox programs out there (and i’ve tried many of them) but i can honestly say that i’ve never had the results like i have from Shakeology.  before i get to the results both my husband and i had; let me explain the benefits and reasons why everyone should do a cleanse at least a few times a year.
why do a cleanse:  simply put; we live in a toxic world and are surrounded by chemicals, poor quality foods, and pollution on a daily basis.  all of these toxins enter our bodies, and although our liver (and other organs) work hard to remove toxins, it can become overloaded.  once toxins get backed up your body can become sluggish; you may experience a lack of energy, weight issues, and other health problems.  cleansing is not something new; in fact people have been doing it for centuries.  when you do a cleanse it helps give your body a break and provides it with the nutrients it needs to get back to its peak.  many doctors believe you should cleanse regularly but how often is a personal preference.  some people like to do it with the changing of the seasons or just every 6 months. 
cleanse benefits:  why you choose to complete a 3 day cleanse with Shakeology is up to you, but a number one reason is to lose weight.  the overage weight loss is 5-7lbs.  that’s pretty impressive if you think about shedding that much gunk over a weekend.  not only is weight loss a benefit but many people noticed increased energy levels, better skin, and just improved overall health and wellness.  

my personal experience:  both hubby and i have tried the 3 day cleanse.  i was worried that my milk supply would go down fasting but since it’s safe to do water fasting while nursing i figured Shakeology is WAY more beneficial than just water for 3 days!  not only did my supply not diminish but it increased by the second day!  i had tons of energy as well, my digestive tract got on track, my skin tone evened out, and i lost 5lbs!  i wasn’t trying to loose the weight i just wanted to flush my system since i have not done any for of cleanse since right before i became pregnant with BabyL almost 2 years ago.  i like to flush my system with the changing of the seasons but i was leery on what i could do while breastfeeding BabyL.  so as soon as summer rolled around i did my cleanse.  hubby came home and noticed how great i looked, and how much energy i had, so he wanted to try it too.  i set him up on a duty day and off he went!  he was very skeptical and VERY surprised after just the first day.  hubby lost 8lbs, several inches and gained so much more!  he finally found the energy that was missing for many months.  he started craving whole clean foods again.  he was sleeping great again.  he just finally felt whole again.  he told me after it was all done that now he craves Shakeology because of this cleanse.  he feels so much better now and has kept the weight off (so have i) which was great motivation for him to get back into the healthy lifestyle he’s been longing for.  

what is the 3 day cleanse:  you are still getting to eat, all day long in fact, but it’s a little less planing and thought on your part for a few days :-)    the 3 day cleanse is very easy if you think about it in a 3-2-3 rule.  what’s the 3-2-3 rule?  well here it is:

  • 3 Shakeology shakes per day 
  • 2 snacks per day (can be fruit)
  • 2 cups of green tea per day
  • 2L (or more) of water a day
  • Dinner is a salad with 2c of fresh greens and 3oz of lean white grilled protein (fish or poultry) per day

now you may not loose weight on the cleanse but you will clean all that backed up gunk in your system, and isn’t that what we are all about here?  aren’t we all just trying to get on the path to a healthier lifestyle?

when you order your challenge pack from me you will receive: all the Shakeology you need for the program, a Shakeology shaker bottle, detailed instructions, individual support from me, and a special surprise gift!  all of this is delivered to your door for $55 and free shipping!!  so what are you waiting for?  let’s get this party started!!  i already have a few people ready to do a 3 day cleanse in November, so you won't be alone!  do you want to join the challenge group too?  let me know here via comments, email, Twitter, or FaceBook if you are interested because you can only order these 3 day cleanse challenge packs directly through me!  let's get healthy together people!
hope y'all have a stellar saturday *waves*

Oct 5, 2012

Fun Friday

oh looky, looky what day it is!!  it's another round of FUN FRIDAY people!!  there is a cool crispness in the air the last few days here in WA and i can't WAIT to get out there and enjoy it with my kids today!  each week, on FUN FRIDAY, i challenge y'all.   i want y'all to get out there and do something that makes you smile, laugh, and just enjoy life today!  it doesn't have to be anything big, because remember that even baby steps are steps in the right direction.

if you're stumped for ideas here you go:
grab some chalk and start drawing on the sidewalk
go pick some apples
go for a walk along the shoreline
take your dog for a run
play board games, or cards with your family
go attend a live concert
find a farmers market today and walk around
throw together a pot-luck with some neighbors
treat yourself to some frozen yogurt

see the possibilities are ENDLESS!  just get out there and do something that makes you smile ladies and gentlemen :-)

here's a fun friday song for y'all:

tomorrow is Shakeology Saturday, and my RockStar ShoutOut!  If you want to be included in my RockStar ShoutOut tomorrow go find me on Twitter, MyFitnessPal, FaceBook, or even on TeamBeachBody and say "I was a fitness/healthy RockStar because........."  as i always say; even baby steps are steps in the right direction.  so did you drink your water goal once this week?  did you eat cleaner this week than last?  did you get in 3 workouts instead of 2 this week?  did you loose .25lb this week?  did you run a marathon this last week?  did you stick to your calories all week long?  did you get enough sleep all week long to help repair your body?  see, it doesn't take much and every little bit counts.  so what are you waiting for?  let me know so i can add you to my RockStar ShoutOut on saturday!   in honor of Shakeology Saturday i have a special treat planned for y'all tomorrow so stay tuned!

this friday i've decided to join in on a few blog hops (the more the merrier right?), so if you've found me through one of them welcome!  be sure to let me that you stopped by and what you think of Healthy Ambition.  if you have your own blog why not link up to this great people: Posh on a Budget, Chubby Cheeks Thinks, and and An Island Life.  

have a FABULOUS FRIDAY y'all *waves*

Oct 4, 2012

Why Diet?

oh that very word DIET; doesn't it just send shivers down your spine?  well it does mine as it should yours!  i don't like the word diet, not one little bit, and i will explain why.  i've seen it time, and time again.  when you use that word to describe your eating habits you are setting yourself up for failure.  see that picture over there; over toward your left?  yep, that sums it up!  you start of by saying "i need to loose some weight," and deiced that a diet will help you do that.  first you limit yourself to grapefruit and saltines, or cabbage soup, or shakes and salads every day for a month.  then it gets boring, bland, unsatisfying so you decide to "cheat."  you "give in" and have that steak, or piece of chocolate, or piece of fruit.  then you start to hate yourself for cheating.  next you are going to get down on yourself.  all of these negative thoughts start swirling through your mind.  you start to tell yourself that you're a failure, stupid for "cheating," and how disappointed you are in yourself.  you start to beat yourself up over being fat, and unhealthy until you finally get to a breaking point.  "That's it!" you say one morning looking into the mirror "tomorrow I'm going on a diet!"  so now you start the viscous cycle all over again!  can you relate to this?  i know i've done this cycle more times than i'd like to admit.  so, no i do not like diets.  diets set you up for failure.  do you know what sets you up for success?  having healthy eating HABITS!!  what's the difference?  well a habit is something you forge over time, it's a part of you.  an example of a good healthy eating habit is eating clean, and this is how i eat.  what does it mean to eat clean?  that's a question i've been asked a lot over the last few years, and there is a simple answer to this.  if it doesn't look like it cam from nature then don't eat it!  so that means no fruit chew snacks, no pre packaged meals, and nothing should be unpronounceable on the label.  easy enough right?
now you can take it a few steps further and look into paleorawvegan, or even primal eating styles.  personally, i fall in-between a paleo and primal eating style and LOVE IT!!  i feel like poooooo when i don't eat this way.  i have NO energy, am bloated, and just don't feel like me.  i like eating clean.  i enjoy the benefits of it too.  i've notice a bigger energy boost (great for the hard workouts i put myself through).  i also have no issues with my IBS (thank you Shakeology) or with my skin now that i've cut out all the gunk from my eating plan.  yes with primal eating you tend to stay away from; grains, beans, and gluten but there are SO MANY things that i eat that i am not deprived.  i can go any where anytime and get good food to fuel my body!  granted; i don't eat the twinkies, sodas, fast food, preservative landed meals that i used to but i don't think of it as a punishment.  rather i have been able to get the biggest reward possible from eating clean...........i have found health and energy!  i have found happiness in myself and my lifestyle.  have you landed into a healthy eating habit that you'd like to share?  or, have you found yourself in the diet vortex?  or have you found yourself plop in the middle of preservative land and are looking for a way out?

i hope y'all have a terrific thursday and don't forget to drink your water!!

Oct 3, 2012

Get Up and Dance

is it just me or does everyone have a love hate relationship with wednesday?  i mean, when we wake up we realize "hey it's almost the weekend" and then you go "oh, but the day is JUST beginning so i'm really no closer to the weekend" *sad face*  these thoughts don't just go through MY mind now do they?

wednesdays are traditionally busy around here and this month is no different.  i refer today as hump day because i always seem to be busting hump to accomplish all on my "to do" list each week.

for instance; here is today's schedule--i have several clients to call, skype, email and check into (so happy to add this to my list of things); the big kids are working on Geometry, Science, Current Events and Spelling today; i have YogaX to get in; bills to pay; work on my business some more; studying to get in; a hour long seminar to get in; it's the beginning of my school week; dojo for the big kids; basic cleaning; diapers to wash.  i know when i type it out it doesn't seem like a lot but i started running around 5 and i will be going until 10, 11 tonight!  the only thing that kind of bothers me is my seminar because the professor is a stickler.  you MUST stay the entire 60 min or you get a big fat zero!  wouldn't be a big issue if it wasn't at such a bad time.  see, i asked for class on any day/time other than a few and of course i received both classes and very inopportune times/days.  today's class is the worst though because the big kids have dojo at 5:45 and my class starts at 5 *ugh*  we may just switch their dojo to Sun instead of Wed but then i run across the same issue but on the tail end of class. it would be easier if hubby was home, but he's not.  such is life as a navy wife right?  i don't like being overbooked; especially when it's not my fault, and beyond my control.  i know it will all work out one way or another.

despite knowing i am slammed with stuff today i am in a FAN-FREAKI-TASTIC mood!!  i've been jamming to Swedish House Mafia since 5 (it's almost 7).  i even received a text message at 430 from hubby so it's a GREAT day <3  what's that???  you don't know who Swedish House Mafia is!!  well let me share one of my fav groups with you today.  hopefully it gets you up and dancing around the room like it does me :-)


Oct 2, 2012

Tasty Tuesday

it's another tasty tuesday here at Healthy Ambitions, and i would love to share some wonderful recipe with y'all but we've been kind of boring the last week.  why?  well with hubby going back out to play navy for a while last week was a lot of quick meals, and leftovers because we were just busy getting last minute things together before he left again.  we did make hamburger salad a few times per request of the kids and hubby.  i love this meal for a few reasons.  first, it's SUPER easy to make!  i am in the kitchen less than 30 minutes, and dinner is on the table.  what more can a busy working mom ask for?  this is a great meal for football nights, PTA meetings, late night dinners, or even when it's just to dang hot to cook.  another reason i like this meal is it's cheap!  making a healthy meal does not mean you have to break the bank.  for a long time we have been a family on one income, and we still don't use my income for daily expenses.  basically we are a family of 5 on a paycheck (military pay check) of one, so i stretch pennies where i can.  another reason i like this recipe is that even my kids can make it.  C is my oldest and he's almost 12.  he LOVES to cook and this is such a quick meal he can cook, plate and serve this meal pretty much on his own.

hamburger salad (per salad)
1 chopped grass fed burger
2c chopped lettuce
.5 shredded carrot
.5 sliced tomato
top with mustard and/or mayonnaise

see how easy that is, and doesn't that just look YUMMY!!  it's nothing fancy, or complicated, but we love it.  my husband was very standoffish the first time i served this.  his response was "what! a hamburger with no bun?  have you lost your mind woman?"  granted, this was years back when we first started our journey to a primal lifestyle.  like i said, we have had this 3 times this last week, and the kids were actually bummed that i didn't add it but once to this week's menu lol i hope you enjoy this simple healthy meal as much as we do.  next week i will be sharing a crock-pot meal with y'all :-)

this week i have linked up with a few great blogs; The New Modern Momma (recipe swap) , Chubby Cheeks Thinks (a Twitter link up) and The Empowered Momma.  why don't you join the fun and hop on the link ups?  if you found me via one of these WELCOME, and please leave a comment (i love comments).  yes, this is still a new blog, but that doesn't mean i'm not going to rock your socks off :-)  you can follow me here (slide your mouse to your right and it will pop up), and on Twitter, and even FaceBook

i hope y'all have a TERRIFIC tuesday!

Oct 1, 2012

Menu Monday

as i mentioned yesterday; i am trying to get back on track with all that i put in my mouth (and my family's) so i sat down to make a menu this last weekend.  it was odd adding up my class work and seminars, the kids' stuff, daily routines and fun times to all of our meal times.  i am trying to save some money and not go out as much too with this.  it was really hard since my husband took my bag of Shakeology to the ship with him and i won't get my new bag until later this week *tear*  but i did it and so far we have stuck to our menu.  also, the farmers market stopped last week so i need to figure out what i'm going to do.  i think i may have to travel off island and go to Trader Joe's and Costco more often for produce.  in the past i would just make a list of 7 meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner and cherry pick what i wanted to serve each day.  this plan works great if you don't have anything going on that day but, we have gotten hella busy the last few months and it's just going to get worse.  in fact, as i was figuring things out i realized we have something going on sun, tue, wed, thur and fri every week.  that's if i don't choose to take supplemental classes and if we don't do field trips or park days!  crazy, huh?

so here's my menu for the week:

Sun- eggs & bacon; leftovers; hamburger salad
Mon- primal muffins & eggs; lunch meat roll-ups & cheese; steak, sweet potato & salad
Tue- greek yogurt & fruit; veggie chips & hard boiled eggs; mexican stuffed peppers & quinoa
Wed- toast & greek yogurt; leftovers; chicken enchilada soup
Thur- fruit parfait; deviled eggs & lunch meat; BLAT & veggie chips
Fri- primal waffles; veggie chips & lunch meat roll-ups; beef & broccoli
Sat- egg cups & fruit; leftovers; veggie chili over cauliflower rice

snacks will be- kiwis, hard cheeses, apples or raw nuts

do you make a menu?  if not why not?  if so how do you go about doing it?  have you found that having one helps you with staying on track with your nutrition?  what's the hardest part about doing this for you?

i'm linked up with; This Flourishing Life, KdBuggie Boutique, CrazyMomma and Marine Wife, Mommy & Life ------why don't you join the party and link up too :-)  if you have your menu planned out on your blog please feel free to share it here!