Oct 15, 2012

Menu Monday

well ladies and gentlemen it's another week which can only mean it's time for another fun filled edition of MENU MONDAY!!!  we've done pretty good sticking to the menu so not only am i saving money (always a plus) but we are all enjoying the family time picking the menu out, prepping the meals and eating them together.  in fact, the big kids made breakfast all on their own........protein powder pancakes!!

Sun: french toast; meat roll ups & fruit; southwestern slopy joe's with broccoli
Mon:  egg cups & fruit; beanie weenies; medateranian beef stew
Tue:  oatmeal; egg salad; southwestern pork chops & salad
Wed:  greek yogurt parfaits; hard boiled eggs & fruit; beef & portobello ragout
Thur:  eggs & apples; leftovers; steak & sweet potato
Fri:  gluten free muffins & fruit; tuna salad; hamburger salad
Sat:  eggs & bacon; leftovers; fish tacos w/broccoli slaw

so what's on YOUR menu??  this week i'm linked up with This Flourishing Life and KdBuggie so if you stumbled on me by them please let me know.  if you see anything here that you'd like the recipe for please don't hesitate to ask!

hope y'all had a marvelous monday *waves*

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