Oct 12, 2012

Fun Friday Wrap Up

woo hoo it's another Fun Friday here; i just wish that someone would have told the weather that we had plans to go to the park today, because with the nasty grey rain going on here that is NOT happening!  *shrugs* such is life right?  i think we will dance our way into the weekend with some ZumbaRush and finally watch the Hunger Games tonight <3

we have had a busy, and exciting week here in the FitFamily home.  the big kids have been enjoying Aikido, bike rides, learning some new cooking skills, and challenging each other to dance offs due to the weather being all wonky here.  i have been having a blast setting up people to be part of the Challenge Groups that are starting next month, helping people pre-order Les Mills Combat, and starting people with the 3 Day Cleanse!  i also took my measurements for the first time since before starting P90X and in 6 weeks i've gone down 1.7% body fat *happy dance*  the program is really starting to kick into high gear, so i can't wait to see where i will be at the end of it!  we can't forget about BabyL; he's hit a huge milestone this week too!  he's not only running now but climbing on everything, saying a few new words AND he used the potty yesterday!!  not bad for a 14month old lol  i have also been participating in Fat Mum Slim's photo a day challenge this month so i am going to share some of my favorite shots from the last week :-)

Up Close

this week has been of fun, adventure, exploration, temper-tantrums and so much more.  i am sure, despite the weather, we will have a fun weekend too.  this week i linked up with Chubby Cheeks and Posh on a Budget again.  if you would, go check out these blogs because there are some great reads over there.  if you found me via either blog hop WELCOME and please let me know you stopped by :-)  it's been an AWESOME week here in the FitFamily home; how about yours?

here's your Fun Friday song y'all!  have a FANTASTIC FRIDAY *waves*

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