Jul 30, 2012

Menu Monday

well, it's that time again people!  it's time for me to share our menu for breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner times :)  are you going to try any of the things listed this week, or last week, for you and your family?  if so please share and let me know how it turns out :)

*this week i will be repeating breakfasts and lunches*

eggs in bell pepper cups topped with crab
eggs and peppered bacon
NOTmeal (grain free oatmeal)
primal pancakes and berries

lunch meat roll ups w/berries
shrimp salad
hardboiled eggs, yogurt and berries

veggie chips
greek yogurt w/berries
greek yogurt w/almond butter

crab and black bean tacos with cole slaw
bacon wrapped steak w/spaghetti squash and broccoli
grilled eggplant topped with burgers, cheese and yellow bell pepper
almond crusted salmon w/bok choy and spinach
steak, sweet potato and salad
steak fajitas with coleslaw
grilled pineapple chicken thighs & buttered garlic spaghetti squash

i can't WAIT see what we are able to find at the farmers market this week.  i am thinking of getting some beets or carrots.  suggestions??

i hope y'all are having a marvelous monday!

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