Aug 13, 2012

Menu Monday

i've been slacking the last few weeks about menu monday and i'm sorry.  i could give you a list a mile long WHY i haven't blogged like at ALL but i'll just sum it up with............well life happens.  sick kids, school work, trying to get my business going, etc. etc. right?  we all have obligations and i'm still trying to balance all of mine out so please bare with me for a month or two <3

so here's my dinner menu this lunches or anything because starting Thursday i will be doing a 3 day Shakeology cleanse so my food is already decided on that and it's nothing super yummy or exciting and i will explain how to do this later this week and what my results are next monday :)

mon- asian sesame steak with salad
tue- hamburger salad
wed- leftovers
thur- shrimp and zuchinni noodles with garlic and butter
fri- grilled steak and sweet potato
sat- steak and salad
sun- leftovers

nothing fancy this week because i'm gearing up for my husband to come back for a few weeks.  i'm trying to empty the fridge so we have an excuse to leave the island and go to Costco to go get yummy snacks there :)

i hope everyone is having a magnificent monday!

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